Dr. Chamith Nanayakkara

Dr. Chamith Nanayakkara
Location: Kandy
Bachelor of Veterinary Science (Hons)
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science
University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka
Graduated with honors as a Veterinary Surgeon in year 2000 and ‎joined the campaign to stop killing of dogs to eradicate rabies in Sri Lanka.
Since the 1970’s the Government has been killing 100,000 dogs per year by gassing them to death to reduce dog population to eradicate rabies in Sri Lanka.
The campaign that Dr. Chamith joined was successful in year 2005 when the Government declared a No Kill Policy to reduce dog population in Sri Lanka.
Rabies is fatal and the carrier of the disease is mainly dogs. 70% of the dog population need to be vaccinated to eradicate rabies in Sri Lanka.
After the Government’s No Kill Policy in year 2005, the dog population increased as well as rabies fatalities mainly of young children and women. The Government was looking for Humane dog population control methods to eradicate rabies in Sri Lanka.
Dr. Chamith was a member of the Government appointed committee who came up with the proposal and model to eradicate rabies in Sri Lanka by sterilization and vaccination program which was subsequently approved and implemented by the Government in year 2007.
Dr. Chamith is ‎an Advisor to the Board of Association of Veterinarians for Humane Management of Animal Population which is the pioneer organization that started sterilization and vaccination program to eradicate rabies in Sri Lanka by Humane dog population control.
The Government program does not treat dogs who are sick and injured, have complications from surgeries, has cancer and tumors a‎s well as cataract. Dr. Chamith and his group of Surgeons have been donating 10% of their salaries since 2008 to provide free treatment for sick and injured dogs, look after dogs with complications after surgeries, treat dogs with cancer and tumors and do free catarct operations.
Dr. Chamith has done more than 60,000 surgeries.
Dr. Chamith has been conducting free clinics treating over 120 dogs per day on Full moon days which is a holiday in Sri Lanka in ‎Kundasale in Kandy since January 2016.
Dr. Chamith has organized and distributed over 1 million leaflets in Sri Lanka educating general public of steps to be taken after dog bites to reduce the risk of getting rabies.
‎As the Secretary  of Organization  for Protection  of Veterinary Services in Sri Lanka 2000 – 2003 and President of Veterinary Professionals Association  2001-2002‎, Dr. Chamith campaigned for recognition for the dedicated services of the Veternary  Surgeons and analyzed the services required by Sri Lanka from the Veternary Surgeons.
Dr. Chamith was a leading member who filed law suites and organized protest campaigns to successfully stop animal sacrifices by ignorant devotees in the name of their Deities at the Munneswaram Kovil in Chilaw.
‎As Project co-ordinator of Farmer Empowerment  Project, Ministry of Agriculture 2004 – 2006 worked tirelessly to increase dairy farmers income by negotiating with the Government of Sri Lanka to offer a better price for milk.
‎As a Member of National  Rabies Control Committee, Ministry  of Health 2014-2015 guided the Government to implement rabies eradication program efficiently and effectively with vast knowledge and practical experience gained by conducting surgeries in all districts in Sri Lanka in his illustrious carreer.
As Special  Project Director of Thailand  Farmers  Association 2014- 2016 was actively involved in implementing and participating in an integrated farming system.
‎As Managing  Director of Vets for Future (Pvt) Ltd is working with Government’s humane control of dog population to eradicate rabies in Sri Lanka by 2020.
As Chapter leader of Dharma Voices for Animals, USA provides a voice for the voiceless animals and Dr. Chamith is in charge of disaster management of animals during a major catastrophe.
As Secretary of Nature’s Best Friend‎, Dr. Chamith is involved in reducing pollution, protecting nature and trees, organizing tree planting campaigns and setting up a plastic bottle recycling center.
As Secretary of Sri Lanka Taichi Association‎ is involved in developing simple movements and exercise techniques for everyone in the family to follow an easy daily routine to stay healthy by practicing Qi Gong techniques such as Tai Chi.
As Director of Positive Media (Pvt) Ltd, Dr. Chamith wants to create a new vision by sharing unique aspects of our social, environmental, medicinal, nutritional, eco friendly news to create a positive news culture and educate our general public how to live positively, healthily and in harmony with nature.
As Director of Eco friendly  farm, Welikanda, Polonnaruwa, Dr. Chamith is instrumental in practically showing general public how to cultivate and manage a farm without cutting trees and protecting trees. He’s working on producing 100,000 kgs of organic fertilizer for an year.
As Director of Friends  Club‎, Dr. Chamith is dedicated to raising funds to conduct free clinics across the country.
As Director of United People’s  Power (Pvt) Ltd‎, Dr. Chamith wants to uplift the lives of the lower middle class and people who live hand to mouth by providing organic food direct from the farmers at a much lower price by setting up a network of organic farmers who will sell directly to consumers without middleman (who manipulates the markets and makes exuberant profits at the expense of the farmers and consumers). Dr. Chamith will set up recreational centers at a very minimal price to the general public who can’t afford unreasonable cost of present set up of the recreational centers in Sri Lanka.
Dr. Chamith has proven over and over again that he’s committed to giving back to the society to create a better world.