Dr. Curio Pintus

Dr. Curio Pintus

President and Treasurer in LionBridge International /

Degree in Economics from Bocconi university in Milan

Lecturer in Administrative Law Lecturer in Tax Law

He is an internationally known financier dealing in financial instruments and the funding, directly and indirectly of humanitarian projects on a worldwide basis.

He is a lecturer in administrative law, Tax and Accounting of State in various Italian and foreign universities.

He is qualified to practice as a Chartered Accountant.

He is the Financial Adviser for Legal Affairs Embassy of Democratic Republic of Benin and Honduras, at the Quirinal in Rome, Italy.

He has been awarded honours and merits from the following governments and organizations: The Vatican; The Italian government (military and civilian); Malta; San Marino; Honduras; Albania; Kosovo; NATO; Benin (Humanitarian aid health, education and housing); Iraq (post saddam Hussein humanitarian efforts) – Certificate of outstanding service to the government of Iraq in 2009-10 for the provision of humanitarian aid for health care and education.

In 2011 he was appointed General Manager of The Pintus Group LLC.

In 2012 he became ambassador of the World Association of CAD Counselling Centre of Discomfort.

In 2013 he was appointed Financial Advisor by the Government of Bangladesh.

In 2014 he became Financial Advisor for UEMOA (Economic and Monetary Union of West Africa).