Lidia Paul

Lidia Paul
Director & Secatory

Director and Secretary in Lionbridge International /

Rosa Lidia Paul

MARA Registered Agent: MARN 0901242

VIT Registered Teacher: 302362

Master of Migration Law and Practice (MMigrationLaw&Prac)—Griffith University

Graduate Certificate in Australian Immigration Law and Practice (GradCertAustImmLaw&Prac)——— Victoria University

Master of Education (Med)——The university of Melbourne

Graduate Diploma in Education (GDipEd)—–The University of Melbourne.

Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering (Beng)———Victoria University

Certificate IV in Small Business Management (CerIVBusSmBusMgmt)……Holmesglen Institute of Tafe

Rosa Lidia Paul is an Australian citizen. She studied at Griffith University, the University of Melbourne and Victoria University.

Lidia graduated from Victoria University as a Mechanical Engineer after completed a Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering. She worked as a Mechanical Engineer for various Engineering Companies.

Lidia has always been passionate in teaching and tutoring students from younger levels to University level in Mathematics, Physics Chemistry and Science. Through tutoring students Lidia realized that she enjoys and love teaching. As she was gaining a lot experience in Tutoring She decided to go back to University to Study the Graduate Diploma of Education at The University of Melbourne and subsequently she completed her Master of Education at the same university.

Lidia has worked as a teacher in a lot of different schools from private to Government schools and she worked as a Lecturer for Deakin University as well.

She completed her Graduate Certificate in Australia Immigration Law & Practice at Victoria University in 2008.

She became a registered Migration Agent in 2009.

She established a boutique migration consultancy, AIMC Australian Visas in 2009.

She handles most visa subclasses; Lidia is well experienced with a wide range of immigration matters.

Her specialities include but not limited to:

  • Business Migration to Australia
  • General Skilled Migration (GSM)
  • Skilled Migration
  • Family Migration
  • Partner Migration
  • Student Visas
  • Refugee and Humanitarian Visas
  • Investment Visas
  • Working Holiday Visas
  • Australian Citizenship
  • Tribunals Appeals

Lidia can successfully assist clients in preparing client’s documents to present to the Australian migration authorities.

Lidia Paul is one to the most experienced and most qualified migration agent in Australia. She is the most experienced practitioner in Melbourne Victoria as she is the first one that completed the Master of Migration Law in Melbourne through Griffith University in 2012.

She is professional, extremely organised, motivated and dedicated to her clients’ needs. Her main goal is to meet any client expectation. Lidia has a passion for working with migrants of all backgrounds and is consistently recommended by clients that work with her.

She is a fluent speaker of English and Spanish, and she also understands Italian, French, Romanian, Portuguese and Sinhala-Sri Lanka languages.

Lidia has been active involved in Lions Club for the last 10 years. She has worked in humanitarian projects such as Hunger, Sight First (Cataract Operations and donation of spectacles), Blood Sugar Testing, Tree Planting, Gold Coin Donation for Cancer Kids, Distribution of Books for School Kids, Reading for Kids, Bush Fire Victims, Scholarship, and Feed the Needy. She has been awarded with the highest honor award “The Melvin Jones Fellowship Award” from the Lions Club International Foundation for her outstanding humanitarian work.